Five Tips For Self Care During The Pandemic

One of the first things we call can do to improve black mental health.

One of the first things we call can do to improve black mental health.

The social and emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been easy for most. The feeling of uncertainty circling around us heightens our collective fear about present-day life and what it will resemble post-pandemic. Remaining positive helps to reduce stress levels and is an essential trait to have during any crisis. Creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle encourages a more optimistic perspective during these times. Here are five easy tips for self care you can do while staying safe while infusing black wellness into your daily routine.


Be Active

There are plenty of ways you can stay active even if you still feel uneasy about heading to the gym or working out with friends. Walking, jogging or running while social distancing on a nearby trail is great cardio and reintroduces you to nature that helps lower stress levels in the process. If you’re unable to make it outside there are quick workouts available on YouTube taught by exercise influencers catering to everyone. They will do your body good after a long day of video meetings or Netflix-ing the day away on the couch. Many offer meal plans, various styles of yoga and body definition tips to help attain your personal fitness/health goals. Please consult with your doctor before engaging in any physical activity or starting a new meal plan.

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Staying Connected

Calling your friends and family can provide a much-needed boost just by hearing a loved one’s voice. Video calls are great if you want to see them up close. Don’t make these calls in the same area of your home that you’ve been working at all day. Move around your space. Being reminded of your workload is not the vibe you want while talking to your favorite cousins or silly best friend who always makes you laugh. Gratitude goes a long way and staying connected is one way of showing it. Sending a nice email to someone who has and continues to help you grow is an awesome thing to let that person know their impact on your life. Just a few kind words will make anyone’s day--including yours.

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Build With The Internet 

Free online college courses and tutorials are the way to go during this extended time inside. Yes. We all had to postpone most of the plans for this year, but finding ways to get the most of this time is still up to us to advance ourselves. Educational and professional development websites such as LinkedIn Learning offer many avenues for diversifying the skills needed in your field or cutting your own path in a new industry altogether. Creating original content to market your brand is a great way to maximize the unique vision that you have for your own business.


Reorganize and Reevaluate

Uncluttering is the first step to gaining space and one of the most overlooked tips for self care. Clothes, toys, books and other items are invaluable to numerous organizations in need of donations such as Soles4souls, The Salvation Army and Volunteers of America. Shipping items is an option if you are unable to donate on-site. School clothing drives, homeless shelters, safe spaces from domestic abuse, churches and other organizations near you are examples of places in need of what you no longer use. Reorganizing will be easier once you clear out space. Look up tips on Feng Shui to create balance and shun negative energy. Little changes can totally revamp your space and outlook.

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 Put The Phone Down 

We are constantly on our phones and that’s not a good thing.  According to a survey conducted by Ohio State University on Americans’ use of social media during the pandemic, 53% of participants said how their anxiety has forced them to take a break from their platforms of choice. Doom scrolling, a practice of seeking articles that stoke fear on their feed, has become a common habit for those who are frequently online which can be a deterrent to positive black mental health in some cases. Giving yourself a break from the constant news cycle of pandemic-related deaths and cases of racial injustice against African-Americans is a necessity. The new normal has made us more reflective on our overall health and the best method to maintain stress levels. We must find time to recharge and to find new ways of staying connected with ourselves. Meditating, getting lost in a book, breathing or just unplugging can do us all a world of good and help to silence the noise around us.


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